30 NOV 2020

Seventh Coast Guard District Auxiliary Policy Directive AV-05.1


1. PURPOSE. To establish policy, procedures and requirements for the acceptance of aviation crewmembers and facilities.

2. ACTION. All Auxiliary elected leaders, Member Training Staff Officers, Auxiliary Air Coordinators, and Auxiliarists in the Seventh Coast Guard District participating in the Auxiliary Aviation Program will comply with the contents of this Directive.

a. All new candidates for the Aviation Program will complete the application shown in Enclosure 2. Following review and acceptance by the ADSO-PS-AV and Air Station Commanding Officer (or designee), the candidates name will be added to the applicable waiting list for Pilots or Observers.

b. The AAC will establish waiting lists for aviation crewmembers and facilities to fulfill each Air Station’s operational requirements in accordance with this Directive. Facilities and aviation crewmembers will be selected by the Air Station based on what best serves the Air Stations’ needs and not necessarily on a first-come basis. Current waiting lists will be shared with the Air Station, the DSO-AV and the ADSO-PS-AV.

c. Facilities offered for use and located more than 50 statute miles from the coast will not be accepted unless the respective Air Station determines a need to deviate from this Directive. Waivers will be considered in accordance with this Directive.

d. The past practice of picking up crewmembers at airports other than where the airplane is based is strongly discouraged. Crewmembers need to provide their own transportation to and from the airport where the airplane is based. Waivers can be approved by the Air Station on a flight-by-flight basis for unique missions or special circumstances.

e. Pilots in command of Auxiliary flights that routinely make more than one fuel stop per patrol must bring that to the attention of the AAC. While there is no attempt to compromise safety, multiple fuel stops may indicate a need to modify the mission, or select a different facility to perform the mission.

3. DIRECTIVES AFFECTED. Seventh Coast Guard District Auxiliary Policy Directive AV-05 is cancelled.

DISCUSSION. The operating costs for the Auxiliary aviation program have risen significantly. Due to higher operating costs and competing operational demands, District Seven must take an unprecedented step in restricting the numbers of aviation crewmembers and facilities accepted. District Seven fuel funding is allocated to the various Air Stations who must balance available funding against operational requirements, logistics, and training. To ensure the optimal return on investment, a process must be established to allow the Air Stations to manage the number of aviation crewmembers to ensure that all squadron personnel are maintaining proficiency. The Air Station must also ensure that they accept the proper number of facilities, types of facilities and that the facilities are located in places that optimize their operational use. Situations may arise where an Air Station delays or denies the acceptance of new aviation crewmembers or facilities. The Air Station may also wish to increase their capability by accepting an instrument rated pilot over a non-instrument rated pilot who may have been on a waiting list longer. The Air Station may also deny the acceptance of facilities that make them cost prohibitive for operational missions. For example, there are facilities located away from the coast that must fly hundreds of miles to the coast before they can perform a mission. The cost of operating these inland airplanes can be many times the cost of operating airplanes located on or near the coast, since almost 50 percent of their flight time is expended in transit to and from the coast. Additionally, because weather conditions are many times different inland than along the coast, the missions of these airplanes are cancelled more often than those airplanes located near the coast. Simply stated, the use of inland airplanes to support coastal and offshore Coast Guard missions is not as cost effective as using airplanes located near the coast. High fuel costs and reduced budgets require that preference for new facilities be given to those airplanes located near the coast. The criterion for accepting airplanes is not limited to the facility’s proximity to the coast. For example, single or twin engines, payload, range and the number of seats, are some of the other criteria used for acceptance of a facility. Enclosures 1, 2, and 3 define the policy for acceptance of aviation crewmembers and facilities. This Directive is not designed to discourage new members, but rather to set their expectations before joining. All too often promises are made or inferred to prospective members by those who do not have the authority to do so. Acceptance of new aviation crewmembers and facilities can only be made by the respective Air Station. This must be explained and made clear to all applicants who wish to join the Auxiliary aviation program. The flotillas need to take an active role in recruiting new members for both aviation and surface operations, plus provide the support needed to process new members into the Auxiliary. With guidance from the flotillas and aviation crewmembers, the time waiting for membership can be put to good use in preparing new candidates for the aviation program.

4. WAIVERS. The Director understands that issues or circumstances may arise that necessitate a deviation from the policies in this Directive. Waivers to the policies established in this Directive must come from the Air Station to the Director. The Director shall make the final determination.

5. RESPONSIBILITY. The District Staff Officer–Aviation (DSO-AV) is tasked with recommending changes for this Directive to the Director via the District Chief of Staff.

J. W. Briggs

Commander, United States Coast Guard

Director of Auxiliary

Seventh Coast Guard District



 Encl:     (1) Policy for Acceptance of Aviation Crewmembers & Facilities

(2) Sample waiting lists

(3) Application for Auxiliary Air

Copy: All D7 Air Stations