1. Chapter 10, Section I of the AUX Ops Process Guide VOL 1 outlines the policy, roles, and responsibilities for the PPE program. It's attached below.

2. The PPE guides attached below provide guidance for managing the PPE in AUXDATA. 

3. Please review my guidance for the procurement procedure of PPE. Work with your OIA/station RSS Petty Officer to get purchase requests in for needed gear. 

Maintenance Procedure Cards (MPC)

Maintenance Procedure Cards (MPC) are Coast Guard/Coast Guard Auxiliary confidential and should not be distributed outside the Auxiliary.

Although Printing of Maintenance Procedure Cards (MPC) is authorized, they are still controlled documents and shall be destroyed by shredding when superseded.  

Note: Check the dates after each MPC for the last time it was updated.  Make sure you are using the most current inspection cards for the proper procedures.

To access the Maintenance Procedure Cards (MPC) please click here.
*Once logged into AuxData II follow these steps
-Select Libraries from the left column
-Select Rescue & Survival Systems Maintenance Procedure Cards (MPC)